A new year brings new opportunities and potential growth for every business. Making a resolution to commit your business to maintaining and growing its online presence is not only adminrable, but is now a must. Tackling 2016 head first with a strong marketing plan and the use of best-practices can push your business to the next level online and grow revenue exponentially. But what tactics should you be using? Here are X SEO rules you must adhere to and remember in 2016.
Rethink Long-Tail Keywords
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, marketers focused on single words or extremely brief phrases when organizing keywords. This is far from the case today. Search queries are becoming longer and entered like a conversation increasingly. This means that short-tail keywords is going the way of the dinosaurs. Focus your efforts on long-tail keyword phrases that your customer or client will likely be typing. Remember to add local phrases into your campaign!
Mobile Usability More Important Than Ever
Earlier this year, mobile searches surpasses desktop searches on Google. This means if your website is not optimized for mobile use, you are missing the bus and likely growing the bounce rate of site users. Websites that are not mobile-friendly usually see an increase in bounce rate because the user becomes frustrated with the site itself, even when offering the best information possible. Be sure that you site functions easily and clearly gets your point across on all formats: phone, tablet, computer and more.
The Power of Social Grows
Notice when you search certain queries these days that Facebook and Twitter posts are showing up near the top? That is not sheer luck. Google is giving more weighted response to social media posts and outlets that provide information to the public in lightning form. Continue to post blogs and articles, but be sure to put in a healthy mix of social posts that are current and provide immediate information.
Local Search Takes the Internet by Storm
The last few years has put a greater emphasis on local search, but 2016 will be a critical year for all businesses to focus and transition their SEO tactics to include local search. Along with the growth of mobile searches, is growing mobile-wear, like Apple Watches. Users are looking for more defined results that are area specific and can provide information including distance, ratings and reviews. Prepping your business to have a strong presence on pages like Google Local, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Facebook Reviews and more are essential for businesses in competitive markets.
Combining these tactics can easily help your business envision a strategy that includes search engine optimization improvements that will help boost presence and sales online. Ready to start creating a strategy with our team? Atria Media Group is a full-service marketing firm that is successful in providing local SEO opportunities for businesses as well as national SEO opportunities. Learn more today!
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