4 Ways to Prep for Mobile First Indexing

For well over a year, Google has been preparing marketers for the change to Google Mobile-First Indexing within their algorithm. This changes the algorithm from using desktop results as the main determining factor in search results to mobile versions of site pages as the determining factor. This is something that many websites are built for and ready for the change, but if your website has a m. version or has not been updated in several years, there could be some serious changes that need to be made to your website. Here are some tips for updating your site for the upcoming mobile-first changes.search-engine-journal

Be in the Know

Google has released information regarding the changes and how to know if your website will be affected by the change. If you have a responsive site or a dynamic serving site where the primary content and markup is equivalent across mobile and desktop, you shouldn’t have to change anything. If you have a site configuration where the primary content and markup is different across mobile and desktop, you should consider making some changes to your site.

Be Responsive or Die

Over the last five years, Google and marketers have been warning that websites must integrate responsive design/UX design into their websites or see a reduction in their results online. The buck stops here: once these changes come into effect, if your website has not been converted it is likely you will see a major reduction in SEO success.

If Accordions or Tabs Are Used: You’re in Luck!

This blog isn’t all doom and gloom: If your website uses accordion/tabbed design, the new mobile algorithm will recognize the content as part of the page!

It is 2017, Why Don’t You Have a Mobile Design?

Mobile is king in nearly every market, meaning if your site is configured with desktop-focus in mind, you are likely losing many visitors to your site and your bounce rate probably shows this issue. Focus on a website redesign to bring your website to bring your site up to par with competitors and grow your SEO success.


Want to learn more about Atria’s SEO strategies and how responsive design can improve your growth? Contact Atria today!