Get Ahead With Great Headlines

Today on the Atria blog, we will discuss a number of steps you can take to make your headlines shine.

Headlines are the first thing that customers see when they find your ads on Google. Those two 30-character slots only have one chance to make a first impression, but luckily you can prepare well for those encounters before sending your titles live to the world.

Beating the Competition

Let’s start first by taking off some of the pressure. Let your mind relax with the thought that your headlines don’t have to help win the Pulitzer – they only have to beat the competition.

You will stand against only a handful of other ads when users see your campaigns displayed on the Google home page. Therefore, it won’t take much for your titles to trump the other survivors. The basics are all you really need.

The Basics

Use active voice, not passive voice. When Atria says, “you can write great ads,” instead of saying, “great ads will be written by you,” it has used active voice.

Being active means placing the subject (you) in front of the object (great ads). You can easily do this in your headlines.

Say, for instance, that you manufacture fitness products. Maybe you’re ready to sell some cardio equipment to a primarily female population. A simple headline comparison might look like this:

  1. Good: Lose That Belly Fat Today
  2. Not as good: Your Belly Fat Can Be Lost

See how the first headline grabs your attention better than the second? Make it a point to remain active in your headlines.

Following that, you will also want to be direct with your audience. You only have thirty characters to make a point, so it will pay to not beat around the bush.

Here are two more examples that could reference products for a primarily male population:

  1. Good: Bigger Arms in 30 Days
  2. Not as good: Build Your Arm Strength

Although the second headline in this pair gets right to the point, it fails to bring a deadline into the mix. If your product can help readers quickly and effectively help themselves in a specific time period, make that fact known. The first headline makes an enticing promise readers will want to investigate.

Beyond the Basics

Now that you know how to use active voice and catch reader attention, you can use some fancier tricks to boost your headlines even more. You might want to ask a question:

  • Need a Solid Fitness Plan?

Promote a deal:

  • 30% Off Everything in Stock

Tell a personal story:

  • See How I Lost 50 Pounds

Or even empathize with a common situation:

  • Jump Your Resolution Hurdle

Always Keep in Mind

Remember that the basics will serve you well. You would be hard pressed to beat a headline that uses active voice and addresses the reader directly. Sometimes you can get flashy, but don’t extend your reach too far.

You may fail to touch your readers if you can’t keep your promises or make outrageous claims about your business. Potential shoppers are smart, and they want to be treated as such. Put yourself in the reader’s shoes and ask yourself, “Would I want to click on that headline?”

Atria is always here to help with anything you need. Give us a call today.