Google Ads in 2019: Prepare Your Business for the New Year

Google Ads in 2019 is sure to impress with its host of new and upcoming features.

If you’re seeking some new Google Ads features to try this new year, look no further than the list we’ve compiled below. We’ll discuss several features you can access now as a beta user, and a few more available currently for any business.

Don’t let your campaigns suffer from a lack of innovation. Give these options a try as your 2019 resolution.

In Beta and Coming Soon

Responsive Search Ads

Within the beta test of Responsive Search Ads, your business can use machine learning to better reach your customers by testing combinations of headlines and descriptions you provide ahead of time.

You provide as many as 15 headlines and 4 descriptions to Google Ads, which assembles those pieces into whole ads that relate to potential customers. Google Ads tries out the combinations for you, so you can fit months’ worth of testing into a much smaller time frame.

Check out our feature on Responsive Search Ads to get more details.

Ad Pod Testing

Google announced in November that it would soon bring “ad pod” testing to the YouTube site.

What this means for your business is that it, as a video developer, may begin to see your ads stacked back-to-back with other ads before the main video feature is played. Viewers can choose to watch ads back-to-back or separate them.

Google says this type of ad viewing has tested well with users – leading to less video abandonment and higher rates of watching ads. Although you don’t have to actively participate in this process, you may soon reap the benefits of greater engagement with the public.

Google Ads API

Meant for power users, the new Google Ads API is meant to replace the former AdWords API. The new system is presently in beta.

The new Ads API will increase your ability to complete tasks like automated account management and custom reporting. You can go above and beyond what the web-based interface to your Dashboard allows by building Google Ads capabilities into your own applications.

Google Ads in 2019 will expand through the development of this new API, which will be accessible through both gRPC and JSON REST. Visit the link above to get an overview of the platform and sign up for a developer token.

Features Available Now

Video Ad Sequencing

Google introduced Video Ad Sequencing as part of the Ads platform this year. By sequencing a video advertisement, you can tell a longer story over multiple videos.

Over multiple chapters, you can tell the story of your brand history. Or you could highlight a customer journey. Or maybe recap the new features your brand will release soon.

By starting a new Video Ad Sequencing campaign in Google Ads, you can take your long-form story any way you want. And if Google’s research holds true, you’ll see greater engagement with consumers in the process.

Target Impression Share Smart Bidding

Sometimes, you want to meet a specific impression threshold with your ads. Perhaps you want to achieve greater brand recognition. Google created the Target Impression Share automatic bidding strategy to better match that need.

Now you can start a campaign of this type and tell Google to reach, for instance, 100 percent of the people who search for your brand’s name. Google will then attempt to reach your desired threshold.

Whether you’re a new company looking for exposure or a startup in a sea of larger corporations, this campaign type could work wonders for getting your name into the public eye.

Your Future With Google Ads in 2019

Give these new capabilities a try. Google’s new video campaign type and new bidding strategy could help you achieve the goals of your new or established business.

If you’re not yet a beta user, be patient. Consider how you’d use the new features if you were part of the test group. Then, when the beta features make their way to a larger population, you’ll be first at the gate.

Make this new year a success by reaching beyond your boundaries. And keep Atria in your sights for any assistance you may need.