Finally, after years and years of beating around the bush, a member of Google has finally let us know what the biggest SEO ranking factors are. Last week, Andrey Lipattsev discussed SEO ranking factors and let the cat out of the bag: Lipattsev stated that these three key factors weigh the heaviest in SEO ranking algorithms.
Rank Brain
This may seem very vague, but this is a major announcement on the part of Google. Here are some of the most important factors that need to be a part of your SEO management plan.
This refers to links online that are pointing back to your website for relevant information on a specific topic. Google prefers to rank websites that users find to be helpful and one of the best ways to see if a site is helpful is if other websites are referencing it. The more “quality” reference links your site has, the better. This does not include link baiting and red flagged directories.
For years, SEO managers have been preaching that “content is king”. Well, this clears the air once and for all. Quality content is one of the highest ranking factors with Google. This means that your website must create quality content that is helpful and relevant to questions and pain points users may have. This productive content can lead to more links, boosting your ranking ability even more. These two essentially feed of each other and need to be a priority in any SEO plan.
Rank Brain
Rank Brain is Google’s AI system that processes search results based on the information mentioned above and many other undisclosed factors. This system processes links online with information entered by Google for the human touch, as well as a preset grouping of code that helps the system process your valuable content to higher ranking positions. Learn more about Rank Brain here.
Learn more from the horse’s mouth in this video chat regarding ranking factors? Ready to boost your SEO management plan to effectively create the best presence online? Contact Atria today!