4 Ways to Prep for Mobile First Indexing

4 Ways to Prep for Mobile First Indexing

For well over a year, Google has been preparing marketers for the change to Google Mobile-First Indexing within their algorithm. This changes the algorithm from using desktop results as the main determining factor in search results to mobile versions of site pages as the determining factor. This is something that many websites are built for […]

Rankings Vs. Leads for SEO

Rankings Vs. Leads for SEO

Online marketing & SEO are in constant flux and often the end goal is in constant change as well. At the very least, it is often unclear to businesses what the end goal should be with SEO and online marketing. The question for many businesses is should they focus on leads or rankings. Reading online […]

Simple WordPress SEO Updates for Your Website

Simple WordPress SEO Updates for Your Website

WordPress is the most commonly used platform for websites in the United States and abroad. As of 2014, 74.6 million websites are integrated with WordPress, which is an astonishing number online. With so many users, there are many tricks of the trade that those new to WordPress can use to maximize their efforts to improve […]

Why Are Keywords Changing So Fast in SEO Results?

Why Are Keywords Changing So Fast in SEO Results?

Marketers and companies alike have noticed a shift in search results across the internet for consumers. SEO is an organic and ever-changing beast, but staying up to date on the changes to search engine algorithms is an absolute must for businesses trying to stay competitive online. The recent shift is search results has emphasized new […]

Turn SEO Fails into Wins with these Tips

Turn SEO Fails into Wins with these Tips

Managing a strong SEO campaign can overwhelming for companies trying to compete in the online market. The strong competition and ever-changing algorithm can cause some businesses to accidently generate mistakes and errors within their website. Although these mistakes can penalize your rankings, there are smart-sense ways that your company and businesses like Atria can turn […]

Capitalize on These SEO Opportunities in 2017

Capitalize on These SEO Opportunities in 2017

The New Year offers a new start and fresh opportunities for your business and your online marketing strategies. With the use of online sources for B2B and B2C growing at astonishing rates, capitalizing on any and all SEO opportunities has become vital for all businesses. But what are some of the opportunities your business may […]

4 Reasons Not to Ignore Bing for Online Ads

4 Reasons Not to Ignore Bing for Online Ads

During the holiday season, you have most likely seen an uptick in advertising online within your own personal life. This time of year pushes ad budgets to skyrocketing heights and often converts to quite the return on investment. We as marketers always associate online ads with Google Adwords, but often forget what seems to be […]

Funnel Effective Content to Your Social & Email Plan

Funnel Effective Content to Your Social & Email Plan

Many businesses know they should be creating content on a consistent basis, but often are dismayed by the fact that customers are not connecting with their information. They think, “Google told me if I did this, I’ll get traffic and sales!” Although quality content does lead to higher rankings, more traffic and thus more sales, […]