Let Display Planner Help Initiate Your First Adwords Campaign


Last Updated: August 18th 2016

Previous episodes of the Atria blog have taught you how to mindfully use your keywords and take advantage of tools such as the Keyword Planner. This week, you can get a taste of another free Adwords tool, the Display Planner, which can provide a lot of insight about how you can organize entire campaigns. Before Diving into Display Planner, let us give some more background:

What is Display Planner?

Display Planner is a part of the Google Display Network. In the realm of Google Ads, there are a wide variety of display options to choose from for your ad. For example, there are banner ads, sidebar ads and more. Google’s Display Network shows you the options that are available for your business to use while reaching targeted audiences. Display Planner to helps you pick and choose what display options will be best to reach your target audience using ad group collection data and targeted keywords entered by you as well as based on industry trends.

Within Adwords, you create Display Network campaigns to send advertisements to your target customers. Creating those campaigns can be just as hard as creating the advertisements themselves, but Display Planner can help ease that strain by providing ideas about which populations you may want to target and how you can best address them. Remember first that “ad groups” are collections of keywords that target a particular audience. Display Planner works, first and foremost, by providing you with a selection of tailored ad groups alongside information about the populations that fit those groups.

Begin the Search

You can begin your search process by going to the Tools menu in Adwords and clicking on Display Planner. In that dashboard, you will see a section where you can enter concepts that relate to your target customers. This can be anything from an interest they may have to a website they might visit. Click “Get Ideas” to have Display Planner begin the search.

When the search is complete, Display Planner shows you, at the top of the page, a breakdown of the age and gender that relates best to the keywords and ideas you provided. Below that, it offers a list of relevant ad groups, keywords, interests, topics, and placements (devices and website locations to which your campaign will address) that you can add to your campaign. You can click on any ad group, placement, etc. to see more about those ideas. When you see keywords you like, just click the double arrow (“>>”) to add them to your campaign.

Launch Your Campaign

When you have added enough keywords – usually between five and 20 in a single ad group – feel free to launch your marketing campaign. Then continue to use Adwords to track your progress and use Keyword Planner to refine your keywords and ad groups.

That’s all there is to it. You only need to have a basic idea about your target audience before getting started on your first or newest campaign. If you campaigns continue to grow, you can begin to A/B test the display options to determine the best success.

Why Use Google Adwords?

Google Adwords is the best measurable tool for marketers to determine rates of success as well as other metrics such as click rates, bounce rates and those who enter their sales funnels. Not only is it one of the most measurable ways to guage your online marketing success, it is extremely flexible allowing you to A/B test ads and swap ads on scheudles. Ad extensions enable you to use product images, stock photos or focus on tag lines to catch the attention of your audience, all based around keywords. Adwords let you target your audience down to language, time of day, sex, race and other qualifying factors. Whether you are trying to improve your brand awareness or convert sales, adwords enables you determine the best line of action as well as the best ROI in the market.

Adwords can help your business generate higher level sales and brand awareness in targeted areas online. If you wish to go from this single new campaign to a higher level of Adwords management, reach out to a Pay-Per-Click Managment company so you can create a strong line of action to create the best rates with adwords.

Ready to start your journey to Adwords success? Atria Media is a full-service adwords management company and a leader in local and national SEO tactics. Contact us today to learn more!